CALL FOR PROPOSALS Ascencia Center for Applied Business and Management Research – CABMR (France) in collaboration with Gisma University of Applied Sciences (Germany), and the Association for University Business & Economic Research – AUBER (USA), are pleased to announce their upcoming international symposium on: “The Art and Science of Managing Performance” On February 29th, 2024 at Collège de Paris ISF campus, La Défense, and Online. Performance management is a multifaceted and multidisciplinary practice that plays a crucial role in driving success and achieving goals in different domains in business, performing arts, education, sports, healthcare, etc. However, the strategies, techniques, and challenges associated with performance management can vary significantly across these diverse contexts. It is within this framework that this call for contributions is made. We invite researchers and practitioners to submit papers that investigate and explore the following non-exhaustive thematic list :
This symposium aims to foster knowledge exchange among professionals, practitioners, researchers, and doctoral/DBA candidates from diverse fields, exploring the multidisciplinary aspect of performance management. We welcome submissions from various disciplines, including but not limited to management, psychology, education, arts, sports science, and healthcare. Both empirical and theoretical contributions are encouraged. Communication proposals should be submitted before January 18th, 2024, via the present SciencesConf platform in the form of an Abstract of 1 to 2 pages written in English; in which the research objectives, methodology, and key findings (or expected results for ongoing research) are clearly outlined. Decision of acceptance or refusal of the proposals will be finalized and returned by January 31st, 2024. Accepted abstracts will be invited for full communication submissions. Selected contributions will have the opportunity to be presented during the symposium, and may be considered for publication in our publicly indexed Conference Abstracts Proceedings in partnership with Pensoft Publishing. This event will be hosted at Ascencia Business School, Collège de Paris International ISF campus - CNIT, Paris - La Défense; and will adopt a Hybrid format (in-person and online).
Overview Performance - multifaceted and multidisciplinary - can be defined as the observable and measurable demonstration of competence, skill, or accomplishment in a particular domain or context. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including but not limited to work tasks, artistic presentations, academic achievements, athletic endeavors, and organizational outcomes, etc. Performance is influenced by various factors such as individual capabilities, environmental conditions, resources, motivations, and goals. It involves the effective utilization of knowledge, skills, and abilities to achieve desired outcomes, meet established standards, or surpass expectations. In different disciplines and contexts, performance takes on specific characteristics and criteria for evaluation. For example, in business, performance may be assessed based on job-related tasks, productivity, teamwork, and adherence to organizational goals. In the performing arts, performance is evaluated based on artistic expression, technical proficiency, audience engagement, and emotional impact. In sports, performance is measured by factors like speed, accuracy, endurance, and competition results. As such, the act of managing performance encompasses the processes and practices employed to enhance, monitor, evaluate, and support performance within any given domain. Performance Management involves creating a work environment that empowers individuals and teams to work effectively towards achieving specific goals and meeting established standards. As such, the context in which it is applied might differ. For instance, business performance management, performing arts management, student performance management, organizational performance management, sports performance management, or healthcare performance management, etc. In the workplace, performance management involves setting clear expectations, monitoring progress, providing feedback, coaching, and recognizing performance achievements. This is done through formal procedures and policies that enable managers to evaluate employee performance and provide feedback. Performance management is often linked to employee development and training, which help individuals to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their job effectively. Performing Arts Management, on the other hand, refers to the process of managing the creation and presentation of artistic works. It involves selecting and recruiting and coaching artists, developing, and producing performances, marketing and promoting events, and evaluating the success of performances. The focus of performance management in the arts is on creating high-quality performances that engage and inspire audiences. Sports performance management involves optimizing athlete performance through strategic training, data analysis, and performance evaluation. As for Student performance management, it involves setting learning objectives, evaluating student progress, providing feedback, and designing interventions to support student learning. Healthcare performance management also involves similar processes of setting goals, monitoring progress, providing feedback, and designing interventions to improve performance. Effective communication, teamwork, and leadership are important in all management contexts to ensure that individuals and teams can work together towards common goals. Additionally, empowerment and recognition are important tools in motivating individuals and improving performance. Bibliography: Bamford, J. (2010). Performance Management: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 225–226.
Calendar January 25, 2024: New Deadline for submission of communication proposals to be presented during the symposium. Proposals are to be sent via the present platform in the form of an abstract of 1-2 pages written in English. February 5, 2024: Decision of acceptance or refusal of the proposals. February 21, 2024: Deadline for registration for the symposium. February 29, 2024: Date of the symposium. May 1, 2024: Deadline for submission of the revised extended abtrsacts to be considered for the Conference Abstracts Proceedings collection. July 1, 2024: Projected date of publication of the Conference Abstracts Proceedings collection in collaboration with Pensoft Publishers. |
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